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Prevent Laptop Overheating

Learn How To Keep Your Laptop Cool.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

6 Simple & Lazy Steps to Clean Your Laptop

When was the last time you saw your laptop in its cleaner days? The first few weeks after you bought it? It doesn't matter what laptop model or brand it is - after a while, it will start to look lethargic with screen filled with fingerprint marks, vents covered with cobweb, keyboard filled with dust... and probably some left over bits of chips you ate last month.
Cleaning your laptop only requires less than 15 mins of your time a month, or two (if you're really laid back).

You will need the following items to freshen up your laptop:

1. A can of compressed air / air duster
2. Isopropyl alcohol
3. Microfiber cloth / soft cloth
4. Toothbrush
Now, before you start the onslaught, please be kind to it - power down your laptop, unplug the power cables and remove the battery if it's removable. You don't want the overkill in such operation.
1. Unhook all devices from the ports. They will prevent you from cleaning the ports
2. Use the toothbrush and swap gently on your keyboard to clean away the debris.
3. Use the can of compressed air to clear away the remaining bits and pieces on your keyboard.
Do take note: don't use the compressed air upside down; you will be shooting liquid propellant that freezes any surface it touches.
Simply tilt it and spray.
4. Next, use the compressed air on all the ports and vent on your laptop.
Those outlets are always good magnets for dust bunnies. Use the compressed air until the ports are nice and clean.
Cleaning them not only make your laptop look fresher, it also improves its performance with better temperature control.
5. Apply a mixture of 50/50 mix of water and isopropyl alcohol on your microfiber cloth or cloth.
Dab the cloth with the back of your hand before proceeding - wipe your keyboard, screen, as well as the surfaces and sides of your laptop. This will help clean away bacteria, and the smudges on your screen.
Rule of thumb - the marriage between water and electronic always ends up in a divorce. Avoid water streaks.
Liquid dripping down underneath the keyboard can lead to disaster.
6. You're almost there!
Let your laptop sit, don't shut the lid yet. After it's dried up, take a good look at it - you will be impressed with the job that you just did - a solid looking laptop!
Give it a try today.

IP Addresses: The Basics Everyone Should Know

We live in the IT era - the time, when people cannot imagine their lives without the global network. If you don't believe that, just recollect the things you did yesterday! How many of them were somehow connected with the Internet? Did you buy something online? Did you chat with your friends in the social networks? Or, maybe, you downloaded and watched your favorite movies? Having answered these questions, you will realize the role the Internet plays in our life today.
When browsing the web either for personal or business purposes, we don't even think about the importance of the IP address. And we don't have to, because this info is not generally needed every day. This, however, does not mean that you should not know anything about the term. And this is where the information provided below will come in handy to you.
The IP Address Basics
The "IP" is the abbreviation, which is deciphered as the "Internet Protocol". This term reflects the essence of the notion, because the IP address comes with each computer launched to the network to ensure high quality connection. If you have ever seen any IP address, you have, probably, noticed that it consists of a set of numbers. These numbers change from time to time, so the IP address of your computer is never the same. This depends upon the activity you demonstrate when surfing the web, the steps you undertake to find the information you need, the device you use for this purpose, the location you are in and other nuances. Regardless of these nuances, it is an IP address of your computer that is responsible for the data access and the availability of the Internet in general.
As you, probably, know, this address is assigned to any laptop or personal computer launched to the global network by the home Internet provider. This is true when it concerns the home-based online access, but what if you decide to travel somewhere or just need to have a coffee break and take your laptop along to use it in a café? Will the IP address remain the same or not? As mentioned above, Internet Protocol addresses occasionally change even if you use the web at home and don't go anywhere. As soon as you leave your house, the IP address is not assigned to your laptop or PC anymore. When you connect to another network, your computer will automatically get another Internet Protocol address. This will repeat over and over again unless you disconnect from the network.
Where to Look for Your IP Address
Do you have to find out your Internet Protocol address? Then you can use several options depending upon the amount of time you have and the objectives you pursue. Thus, you can get access to the settings of your router and check this info there. This is a nice option, if you browse the web at home, although, it may take some time for you to login and find the required info. A better and simpler choice is to go online and look for the info in the search engine. Just type in the search request and watch the results that will be provided in a few seconds.

Prevent Laptop Overheating - Learn How To Keep Your Laptop Cool

Are you having trouble with an overheating laptop?
Maybe your computer isn't working as efficiently as it used to and you suspect that heat is the reason for this. 
The thing is how do you know your laptop is overheating?
 Many laptops nowadays run a little bit hot but that doesn't necessarily mean they are overheating.
In order to determine whether your laptop is running too hot you will need to observe three stages. First you will need to recognize the symptoms. Secondly you will have to locate the cause so as you can prevent it happening again. Finally, once you understand the symptoms and cause you can move on to prevention and cure.
The internal fan of any laptop computer just isn't powerful enough to keep the heat away from the inner components. Laptops today are getting more powerful and yet becoming smaller in size. This means all those working components such as the CPU and the hard drive have to be packed together into this tiny little space. It is no wonder that laptops just suddenly crash for no reason as there is no room for the hot air to escape.
Invest in a good laptop cooler pad and you will feel the difference of your laptop's temperature. Information about all the top rated and bestselling cooling systems can be found on this laptop cooling pads list. You will find reviews, images, videos, pros and cons, comparisons, discount pricing and lots more.
An average lifespan of a laptop nowadays is considered to be around three years of good working order. After that time you are looking at its gradual wear and tear. The main cause of laptop breakdowns is overheating.
Below we will look at some of the symptoms your computer may have to determine whether it is in fact overheating. All of the symptoms below can be avoided by using a laptop cooling pad.
These are typical symptoms to look out for if you suspect overheating.
Use a Laptop Cooler Pad To Prevent Computer Crashes
We all know what it is like when our computer crashes; pretty frustrating. Luckily, most of the time all we have to do is re-boot the computer and things are back to normal. If you find that the crashes are fairly regular then it is because there is something seriously wrong and will need to get looked at quickly.
Overheating is a major factor in computer crashes. Many people assume that when their computer crashes, that it is due to a virus, a part failing, or simply due to the Operating System itself. While some of these may be true, it is more often than not, a symptom of overheating.
A crash due to overheating can be characterized by the entire computer system being unresponsive or, "locked up." This generally results in you having to manually restart your computer. After restarting, the laptop may seem to operate normally for a time, but eventually it suffers the same crash symptom, regardless of which program you are working in.
Use a Laptop Cooling Pad To Prevent Unexpected Laptop Shutdown
You must remember a time when you were happily working away or playing a game on your laptop and sudden the whole thing just shuts down on you without even a warning of any kind. This unexplained shutdown of an operating computer IS a warning that something isn't right. Chances are the reason for the shutdown is because the fail safe software in the computer detected too high a temperature and so closed off all working components. Computers will automatically shut themselves down before overheating in order to prevent any further damage.
Once a laptop shuts down, it may refuse to power back up for a fixed period of time. If it begins to reboot and then shuts down immediately then this is a sign that the computer has figured out that it is too hot.
Unless you've been working in a hot environment, high temperatures, direct sunlight, etc, you should take a sudden shutdown as a warning to back up your data at the first opportunity and to give the cooling system a serious cleaning.
Use a Laptop Cooling Pad To Prevent Data Loss and the Blue Screen of Death
This is probably one of the scariest moments in a person's life when they see that Blue Screen of Death come up. A hot temperature in the laptop can be a cause of this and when it happens there really isn't much you can do about it. Typically, your computer will shutdown automatically after displaying the BSOD, or you may be forced to manually shut it down. Usually the computer will restart itself and run diagnostics to determine what caused the fatal error.
Overheating of the CPU, the RAM or the hard drive can cause data corruption and lead to the laptop locking up and shutting down. If the Blue Screen of Death appears repeatedly, it can be an indicator of a very serious problem, and you may need to reinstall the operating system which is not a job for anyone unfamiliar with computer maintenance.
Use a Cooling Pad To Prevent Sluggish Behavior and a Continuously Working Fan
A very good indicator of whether something isn't quite right with your computer is when it starts to get sluggish. You will notice this when you click on folders or files and find yourself waiting a few extra seconds before the applications actually open. You may also find that certain or all your desktop programs take such a long time to open and run. There can be many reasons for this sluggish behavior and one of them is overheating.
Is your laptop's internal fan always working?
 This is also another sign but take into consideration that this also may be a characteristic of the particular model that it simply gets hot in normal operation.
Questions To Ask Yourself
1. Is your laptop hot to the touch?
2. Does the crash occur when you are using a powerful program such as a design or video editing program?
3. Does the crash occur during game play especially a game that requires a lot of RAM?
4. Has your laptop been on for many hours without being turned off?
5. Has your laptop's internal fan been running on full power all the time?
If you answer yes to these questions then chances are the problem is due to overheating.